Free Download Programming in JAVA Notes in pdf – Bca 2nd Semester. High quality, well-structured and Standard Notes that are easy to remember.
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Programming in JAVA Notes Unit 1 – 5

Unit 1: Introduction to java
“Java” is a high-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It is designed to be platform-independent, meaning programs written in Java can run on any device that has the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), making it highly portable.

Unit 2: Java Programming
“Java” follows the “write once, run anywhere” (WORA) philosophy, making it versatile for a variety of applications, from desktop software to mobile apps and enterprise-level systems.

Unit 3: AWT and Event Handling
“AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)” is Java’s platform-dependent API for building graphical user interfaces (GUIs), providing components like windows, buttons, and text fields.

Unit 4: Exception Handling and Multithreading
“Exception Handling” in Java is a mechanism for managing runtime errors, ensuring that normal program flow can be maintained even when exceptions occur.

Unit 5: Java packages
“Java packages” are a way to organize and group related classes and interfaces, providing modularity and structure to large programs. A package acts as a namespace, preventing naming conflicts and allowing easier code management and access control.
Scope of Programming in JAVA
Enterprise Applications
- Core Java: Building robust, scalable, and secure enterprise applications.
- Java EE: Developing complex web applications and distributed systems.
- Spring Framework: Accelerating enterprise development with a comprehensive ecosystem.
Objectives of Programming in JAVA
Develop Scalable and Secure Systems
- Scalability: Build applications that can handle increasing workloads and user demands.
- Security: Implement robust security measures to protect data and systems from vulnerabilities.
- Distributed Computing: Create applications that can run across multiple machines.
Syllabus of Programming Fundamentals using C/C++
UNIT – 1
1. Introduction to Java
- Concepts of OOP, Features of Java.
- How Java is different from C++, Data types, Control Statements,
identifiers, arrays, operators. Variables, Applications and Applets.
UNIT – 2
2. Java Programming
- Classes and methods ,Constructor ,Types of constructor.
- method overloading
Inheritance: Single Inheritance , Multilevel hierarchy, method overriding, Abstract classes, Interface, Final classes,
Garbage Collection, String classes.
UNIT – 3
3. AWT and Event Handling
- Introduction to AWT, Layout Manager, Event handling Mechanism, Event Model, Event Classes,
Sources of Events. - Event Listener Interfaces
AWT: Working with Windows, AWT Controls
Html basic tags, Applet Classes, Graphics.
UNIT – 4
4. Exception Handling and Multithreading
- Exception handling, fundamentals exception types,
- uncaught exceptions, throws, throw, try and catch,
final, built in exception, - creating your own exception
Multithreading fundaments, Creating, Implementing and Extending thread, thread priorities, - synchronization suspending, resuming and stopping Threads.
UNIT – 5
5. Java Packages
- Package creation, Additional Packages, Input Output Exploring java.
- i/o, Swing classes and controls, Advantages of Swing over AWT.
Recommended Books and Resources
- “Effective Java” by Joshua Bloch: Best practices for Java programming.
- “Java: The Complete Reference” by Herbert Schildt: Comprehensive guide to Java.
- “Head First Java” by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates: Beginner-friendly introduction to Java.
- Online courses and tutorials: Codecademy, Coursera, Udacity, edX.
Practical Assignments
- Basic Programs: Simple programs to understand syntax and control structures.
- OOP Assignments: Creating classes, objects, and demonstrating OOP principles.
- Collections and File I/O: Programs to manipulate collections and perform file operations.
- Multithreading and GUI Projects: Creating multithreaded applications and GUI-based projects.
- Database Connectivity Projects: Building applications that interact with databases using JDBC.