Programming in JAVA Notes in pdf – Free Download

Programming in JAVA Notes

Free Download Programming in JAVA Notes in pdf – Bca 2nd Semester. High quality, well-structured and Standard Notes that are easy to remember.

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Bcanpm provides standard or well-structured  Bca Notes for students. The notes are free to download. Each semester notes of Bca are available on www.bcanpm.comIn this post you can download notes of Programming in JAVA Notes (C3). All units are available to download for free.

Programming in JAVA Notes Unit 1 – 12

UNIT – 1

1. Introduction to Java

introduction to Java notes

UNIT – 2

2. Basic Syntax and Structure

UNIT – 3

3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) notes

UNIT – 4

4. Arrays and Strings

Arrays and Strings java notes

UNIT – 5

5. Exception Handling

Exception Handling notes

UNIT – 6

6. Packages and Interfaces

Packages and Interfaces notes

UNIT – 7

7. Collections Framework

Collections Framework notes

UNIT – 8

8. File I/O and Serialization

File IO and Serialization notes

UNIT – 9

9. Multithreading

Multithreading notes

UNIT – 10

10. GUI Programming

GUI Programming notes

UNIT – 11

11. Networking

Networking notes

UNIT – 12

12. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) notes

Scope of Programming in JAVA

Enterprise Applications

  • Core Java: Building robust, scalable, and secure enterprise applications.
  • Java EE: Developing complex web applications and distributed systems.
  • Spring Framework: Accelerating enterprise development with a comprehensive ecosystem.

Objectives of Programming in JAVA

Develop Scalable and Secure Systems

  • Scalability: Build applications that can handle increasing workloads and user demands.
  • Security: Implement robust security measures to protect data and systems from vulnerabilities.
  • Distributed Computing: Create applications that can run across multiple machines.

Syllabus of Programming Fundamentals using C/C++

UNIT – 1

1. Introduction to Java

  • Overview of Java: History, features, and applications.
  • Java Development Kit (JDK): Installing and configuring the JDK.
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Virtual Machine (JVM): Understanding their roles.
  • Writing and Running Java Programs: Basics of compiling and executing Java programs.

UNIT – 2

2. Basic Syntax and Structure

  • Java Basics: Keywords, data types, variables, and constants.
  • Operators: Arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, assignment, and conditional operators.
  • Control Structures: if, if-else, switch-case, while, do-while, for loops.

UNIT – 3

3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Classes and Objects: Defining classes, creating objects, constructors.
  • Methods: Method declaration, calling methods, method overloading.
  • Encapsulation: Access modifiers, getter and setter methods.
  • Inheritance: Superclass and subclass, method overriding, using the super keyword.
  • Polymorphism: Method overriding and method overloading.
  • Abstraction: Abstract classes and interfaces.

UNIT – 4

4. Arrays and Strings

  • Arrays: Single-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays, array manipulation.
  • Strings: String class, string methods, StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes.

UNIT – 5

5. Exception Handling

  • Basics of Exceptions: Types of exceptions, try-catch block, multiple catch blocks.
  • Throw, Throws, and Finally: Understanding their usage.
  • Creating Custom Exceptions: User-defined exception classes.

UNIT – 6

6. Packages and Interfaces

  • Packages: Creating and using packages, access protection.
  • Interfaces: Defining and implementing interfaces, multiple inheritance using interfaces.

UNIT – 7

7. Collections Framework

  • Introduction to Collections: Overview of the Collections framework.
  • List Interface: ArrayList, LinkedList.
  • Set Interface: HashSet, TreeSet.
  • Map Interface: HashMap, TreeMap.
  • Queue Interface: PriorityQueue, Deque.

UNIT – 8

8. File I/O and Serialization

  • File Handling: Reading and writing files using FileReader, FileWriter, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter.
  • Serialization: Serializing and deserializing objects using ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream.

UNIT – 9

9. Multithreading

  • Introduction to Multithreading: Creating and running threads, thread lifecycle.
  • Thread Synchronization: Synchronized methods and blocks, inter-thread communication.
  • Concurrency Utilities: Executor framework, Callable and Future interfaces.

UNIT – 10

10. GUI Programming

  • Introduction to AWT and Swing: Basic GUI components and containers.
  • Event Handling: Event delegation model, handling events in AWT and Swing.
  • Layout Managers: BorderLayout, FlowLayout, GridLayout.
  • Advanced GUI Components: JTree, JTable, JTabbedPane.

UNIT – 11

11. Networking

  • Basics of Networking: Networking basics, TCP/IP protocol suite.
  • Java Networking API: Sockets, ServerSocket, InetAddress, URL, HttpURLConnection.

UNIT – 12

12. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

  • Introduction to JDBC: JDBC drivers, establishing a connection.
  • CRUD Operations: Creating, reading, updating, and deleting data using JDBC.
  • Advanced JDBC: Transactions, batch processing, CallableStatement.

Recommended Books and Resources

  • “Effective Java” by Joshua Bloch: Best practices for Java programming.
  • “Java: The Complete Reference” by Herbert Schildt: Comprehensive guide to Java.
  • “Head First Java” by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates: Beginner-friendly introduction to Java.
  • Online courses and tutorials: Codecademy, Coursera, Udacity, edX.

Practical Assignments

  • Basic Programs: Simple programs to understand syntax and control structures.
  • OOP Assignments: Creating classes, objects, and demonstrating OOP principles.
  • Collections and File I/O: Programs to manipulate collections and perform file operations.
  • Multithreading and GUI Projects: Creating multithreaded applications and GUI-based projects.
  • Database Connectivity Projects: Building applications that interact with databases using JDBC.

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