Free Download Programming Fundamentals using C Notes in pdf – Bca 1st Semester. High quality, well-structured and Standard Notes that are easy to remember.
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Programming Fundamentals using C Notes Unit 1 – 5

Unit 1: Introduction to Computer Fundamentals
“Computer Fundamentals” refers to the basic concepts and components that make up a computer system. It includes an understanding of hardware, such as the CPU, memory, etc.

Unit 2: Introduction to 'C' Language
The “C programming language”, developed by Dennis Ritchie in the early 1970s, is a powerful, general-purpose language known for its efficiency and control over system resources.

Unit 3: Arrays and Functions
“Arrays and functions” are fundamental concepts in programming. An array is a data structure used to store multiple elements of the same data type in a contiguous block of memory, accessible via indices.

Unit 4: Pointers
“Pointers” are variables that store the memory address of another variable, allowing direct access and manipulation of memory. Commonly used in languages like C and C++, pointers enhance performance by enabling efficient data handling.

Unit 5: Structure and Union
“Structures and unions” are user-defined data types in languages like C and C++ that allow grouping different types of variables under a single name. A structure is used to store multiple variables of different data types, with each member having its own storage space.
Scope of Programming Fundamentals using C/C++
Game Development: With its speed and performance, C++ is a natural fit for game development.
- Embedded Systems: Think IoT devices and automotive software.
- High-Performance Systems: Financial trading, real-time systems, and even space exploration will rely more on C++.
Objectives of Programming Fundamentals using C
Upon completion of the course student shall be able to –
- To understand how C++ improves C with object-oriented features.
- To learn how to write inline functions for efficiency and performance.
- To learn the syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language.
- To learn how to design C++ classes for code reuse.
Syllabus of Programming Fundamentals using C
UNIT – 1
1. Introduction to Computer Fundamentals
- Basic Computer Organization, Computer Hardware Components, Disk, Primary and Secondary Memory,
Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, Monitor, CD etc. - Computer Software: Introduction to Application software,
System Software, Compilers, Interpreters etc. - Basic Operating System Concepts, Functional knowledge
of MSDOS and WINDOWS. - Number System-Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal, and Decimal.Conversion from one number system to
another. Computer Codes – ASCII
UNIT – 2
2. Introduction to ‘C’ Language
- Character set, Variables Identifiers, Data type, Arithmetic operation, Constant, operators, Expression,
Assignments, basic input/output statements, Simple ‘C. Programs. - Decision making in program, Relational Logical operators, if statements, if -else, nested if-else
statements, Switch, case loop, Do-While, While, for loop and nesting of loop.
UNIT – 3
3. Arrays and Functions
- One Dimensional Arrays, Arrays Manipulation, Sorting, Searching, Problems solving Top down
Approach, Modular Programming and functions, Passing Arguments, call by value and call by references,
Recursive function.
UNIT – 4
4. Pointers
- Pointers: Declaration, Pointer assignments, initialization, Pointers and Dynamic Memory Allocation ,
Discuss Array of Pointers .
UNIT – 5
5. Structure and Union
- Structure definition, Declaration, structure Assignments, Arrays in structure, Structure Arrays, Pointer
- Structure, Nested Structure, Arrays and Arrays of Structure, Union and File Handling.
Recommended Books and Resources
- “The C Programming Language” by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.
- “C++ Primer” by Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, and Barbara E. Moo.
- Online tutorials and courses (e.g., Codecademy, Coursera, edX).
Practical Assignments
- Simple Programs: Hello World, basic arithmetic operations.
- Intermediate Programs: Array manipulations, string operations, file handling.
- Advanced Programs: Implementing data structures (linked lists, stacks, queues), object-oriented projects.