Data Structures with C Notes in pdf – Free Download

Data Structures with C Notes

Free Download Data Structures with C Notes in pdf – Bca 3rd Semester. High quality, well-structured and Standard Notes that are easy to remember.

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Bcanpm provides standard or well-structured  Bca Notes for students. The notes are free to download. Each semester notes of Bca are available on www.bcanpm.comIn this post you can download notes of Data Structures with C (C 5). All units are available to download for free.

Data Structures with C Notes Unit 1 – 10

UNIT – 1

1. Introduction to Data Structures

Introduction to Data Structures note

UNIT – 2

2. Arrays

Arrays notes

UNIT – 3

3. Linked Lists

Linked Lists notes

UNIT – 4

4. Stacks

Stacks notes

UNIT – 5

5. Queues

Queues notes

UNIT – 6

6. Trees

tree notes

UNIT – 7

7. Graphs

Graphs notes

UNIT – 8

8. Hashing

Hashing notes

UNIT – 9

9. Sorting and Searching Algorithms

Sorting and Searching Algorithms notes

UNIT – 10

10. File Handling

File Handling notes

Scope of Data Structures with C

Understanding Fundamental Data Structures

  • Introduce core data structures like arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs.
  • Explain their characteristics, operations, and implementations in C.
  • Analyze the time and space complexities of different data structures.

Objectives of Data Structures with C

  • The primary goals of a Data Structures course using C are to:

    • Grasp fundamental data structures: Understand the concepts, operations, and implementations of arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs.
    • Develop algorithmic thinking: Learn to design and analyze efficient algorithms for various data structures.
    • Master C programming: Enhance proficiency in C programming, including pointers, memory management, and dynamic memory allocation.
    • Build problem-solving skills: Apply data structures to solve real-world problems and optimize solutions.
    • Prepare for advanced topics: Lay the foundation for more complex data structures and algorithm design.

Data Structures Notes: All UNITS

UNIT – 1

1. Introduction to Data Structures

  • Definition and Importance: Understanding the role of data structures in problem-solving and efficient algorithm design.
  • Classification: Primitive and non-primitive data structures, linear and non-linear data structures.

UNIT – 2

2. Arrays

  • Introduction to Arrays: Definition, types (one-dimensional, two-dimensional, multi-dimensional).
  • Array Operations: Insertion, deletion, traversal, searching, and sorting.
  • Applications: Practical applications of arrays in various scenarios.

UNIT – 3

3. Linked Lists

  • Introduction to Linked Lists: Definition, advantages over arrays, types (singly, doubly, circular linked lists).
  • Operations on Linked Lists: Insertion, deletion, traversal, searching, and reversing.
  • Applications: Implementing stacks and queues using linked lists.

UNIT – 4

4. Stacks

  • Definition and Concepts: LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle, stack operations (push, pop, peek).
  • Implementation: Using arrays and linked lists.
  • Applications: Function calls, expression evaluation (infix, postfix, prefix), recursion.

UNIT – 5

5. Queues

  • Definition and Concepts: FIFO (First In, First Out) principle, queue operations (enqueue, dequeue, front, rear).
  • Types of Queues: Simple queue, circular queue, priority queue, double-ended queue (deque).
  • Implementation: Using arrays and linked lists.
  • Applications: Job scheduling, simulation, breadth-first search (BFS).

UNIT – 6

6. Trees

  • Introduction to Trees: Basic terminology (root, leaf, child, parent, sibling), types of trees (binary tree, binary search tree, AVL tree, etc.).
  • Binary Trees: Representation, traversal methods (in-order, pre-order, post-order).
  • Binary Search Trees (BST): Properties, operations (insertion, deletion, searching).
  • Balanced Trees: AVL trees, rotations for balancing.

UNIT – 7

7. Graphs

  • Introduction to Graphs: Basic terminology (vertices, edges, degree, path, cycle), types of graphs (directed, undirected, weighted, unweighted).
  • Graph Representations: Adjacency matrix, adjacency list.
  • Graph Traversals: Depth-first search (DFS), breadth-first search (BFS).
  • Applications: Shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra’s, Floyd-Warshall), minimum spanning tree (Kruskal’s, Prim’s).

UNIT – 8

8. Hashing

  • Introduction to Hashing: Hash functions, properties of good hash functions.
  • Collision Resolution Techniques: Open addressing, chaining.
  • Applications: Implementing dictionaries, databases.

UNIT – 9

9. Sorting and Searching Algorithms

  • Sorting Algorithms: Bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, quick sort, heap sort.
  • Searching Algorithms: Linear search, binary search.
  • Algorithm Analysis: Time complexity and space complexity.

UNIT – 10

10. File Handling

  • Basic Concepts: Types of files (text, binary), file operations (open, close, read, write).
  • File Handling in C: Using file pointers, seek, tell, read, write functions.
  • Applications: Reading and writing data structures to files.

Recommended Books and Resources

  • “Data Structures Using C” by Reema Thareja: Comprehensive guide to data structures in C.
  • “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C” by Mark Allen Weiss: In-depth coverage of data structures and algorithms.
  • “The C Programming Language” by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie: Classic book for mastering C programming.
  • Online Resources: TutorialsPoint, GeeksforGeeks, Coursera, edX.

Practical Assignments

  • Array Manipulations: Implementing and testing various operations on arrays.
  • Linked List Operations: Creating linked lists and performing insertion, deletion, and traversal operations.
  • Stack and Queue Applications: Implementing stacks and queues and using them in practical applications.
  • Tree and Graph Algorithms: Implementing and testing various tree and graph algorithms.
  • Sorting and Searching: Writing and analyzing various sorting and searching algorithms.
  • File Handling Projects: Implementing file operations to read and write data structures to files.

Practical Skills

  • Algorithm Design and Analysis: Developing efficient algorithms for various data structures.
  • Programming Proficiency: Writing clean, efficient, and well-documented code in C.
  • Problem-Solving: Applying data structure concepts to solve real-world problems.
  • Debugging and Testing: Techniques for debugging and testing data structure implementations.

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