Computer System Architecture Notes in pdf – Free Download

Computer System Architecture Notes

Free Download Computer System Architecture Notes in pdf – Bca 1st Semester. High quality, well-structured, and Standard Notes that are easy to remember.

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Bcanpm provides standard or well-structured Notes for Bca students. The notes are free to download. Each semester notes of Bca are available on www.bcanpm.comIn this post you can download notes of Computer System Architecture Notes (C 2). All units are available to download for free.

Computer System Architecture Notes Unit 1 – 5

UNIT – 1

1. Introduction to Computer Architecture

Introduction to Computer Architecture notes

UNIT – 2

2. Digital Logic Design

Digital Logic Design notes

UNIT – 3

3. Data Representation and Number Systems

Data Representation and Number Systems notes

UNIT – 4

4. Processor Design

Processor Design notes

UNIT – 5

5. Memory Hierarchy

Memory Hierarchy notes

UNIT – 6

6. Input/Output Systems

InputOutput Systems notes

UNIT – 7

7. Assembly Language Programming

Assembly Language Programming notes

UNIT – 8

8. Advanced Processor Architectures

Advanced Processor Architectures notes

UNIT – 9

9. Performance Measurement and Analysis

Performance Measurement and Analysis notes

UNIT – 10

10. Storage Systems

Storage Systems notes

UNIT – 11

11. Network and Distributed Systems

Network and Distributed Systems notes

UNIT – 12

12. Power and Thermal Management

Power and Thermal Management notes

Scope of Computer System Architecture

  • Cloud-based computing, commonly referred to as cloud computing, uses remote servers and networks in place of just a local computer or server to store, administer, and process data and applications. 

  • A distributed computing paradigm, Edge computing processes data at the network’s edge, nearer to the data source.
  • Quantum computing uses quantum-mechanical phenomena like superposition and entanglement to process information. It can potentially be beneficial because it can tackle issues that are difficult for traditional computers to handle.

Objectives of computer system architecture

Upon completion of the course student shall be able to –

  1. Know the difference between computer organization and computer architecture.
  2. Understand units of measure common to computer systems.
  3. Appreciate the evolution of computers.
  4. Understand the computer as a layered system.
  5. Be able to explain the von Neumann architecture and the function of basic computer components

Syllabus of computer system architecture

UNIT – 1

1. Introduction to Computer Architecture

  • History and Evolution: Overview of computer development and architectural advancements.
  • Basic Concepts: Definition of computer architecture, organization, and design.

UNIT – 2

2. Digital Logic Design

  • Boolean Algebra: Basics of Boolean algebra and logic gates.
  • Combinational Circuits: Adders, multiplexers, decoders.
  • Sequential Circuits: Flip-flops, registers, counters.
  • Finite State Machines.

UNIT – 3

3. Data Representation and Number Systems

  • Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal Systems.
  • Signed and Unsigned Numbers.
  • Fixed-point and Floating-point Representations.
  • Character Encoding: ASCII, Unicode.

UNIT – 4

4. Processor Design

  • CPU Architecture: ALU, registers, control unit.
  • Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): Types of instructions, addressing modes.
  • RISC vs. CISC: Characteristics and comparisons.
  • Microarchitecture: Pipelining, superscalar, out-of-order execution.

UNIT – 5

5. Memory Hierarchy

  • Memory Types: Cache, RAM, ROM, virtual memory.
  • Cache Design: Levels of cache, mapping techniques, replacement policies.
  • Memory Management: Paging, segmentation, memory allocation.

UNIT – 6

6. Input/Output Systems

  • I/O Techniques: Programmed I/O, interrupt-driven I/O, DMA.
  • Peripheral Devices: Keyboards, mice, displays, storage devices.
  • I/O Interfaces and Buses: USB, PCI, SATA.

UNIT – 7

7. Assembly Language Programming

  • Basic Concepts: Instructions, syntax, and semantics.
  • Writing and Debugging Assembly Code.
  • Assembler Directives and Macros.

UNIT – 8

8. Advanced Processor Architectures

  • Parallel Processing: Concepts, types of parallelism.
  • Multiprocessor Systems: SMP, MPP, NUMA architectures.
  • Multithreading and Multicore Processors.

UNIT – 9

9. Performance Measurement and Analysis

  • Metrics: Throughput, latency, speedup, efficiency.
  • Benchmarking: Tools and techniques.
  • Amdahl’s Law: Understanding and applying the law.

UNIT – 10

10. Storage Systems

  • Hard Disk Drives (HDDs): Structure, operation, performance.
  • Solid-State Drives (SSDs): NAND flash, performance characteristics.
  • RAID Levels: Concepts, benefits, and trade-offs.

UNIT – 11

11. Network and Distributed Systems

  • Basics of Networking: Topologies, protocols, OSI model.
  • Interconnection Networks: Bus, star, ring, mesh networks.
  • Distributed Computing: Concepts, challenges, architectures.

UNIT – 12

12. Power and Thermal Management

  • Power Consumption: Sources, measurement, reduction techniques.
  • Thermal Management: Cooling techniques, thermal design power (TDP).

Recommended Books and Resources

  • “Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface” by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy.
  • “Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach” by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson.
  • Online resources and courses (e.g., Coursera, edX, Khan Academy).

Practical Assignments

  • Digital Logic Projects: Designing and simulating logic circuits.
  • Assembly Language Programs: Simple arithmetic operations, control structures, I/O handling.
  • Processor Simulation: Using simulators to understand instruction execution, pipelining, and caching.

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