Computability and Decidability Notes – For Free to Download

Computability and Decidability

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Computability and Decidability

Computability and decidability are core concepts in theoretical computer science that explore the limits of what computers can solve. Computability refers to whether a problem can be solved by a computational model (like a Turing Machine), while decidability investigates whether there exists an algorithm that can provide a definitive “yes” or “no” answer for every instance of a problem.

Understanding these concepts helps us classify problems into categories such as solvable, unsolvable, and undecidable. While computable problems have algorithms that can provide results, undecidable problems lack a general solution. Famous examples include the Halting Problem, which is undecidable, and algorithmic challenges like prime testing, which is computable.

Key Points:

  1. Computability:

    • A problem is computable if there exists an algorithm or Turing Machine that can solve it for all valid inputs.
    • Computable problems are solvable within the limits of a computational model.
  2. Decidability:

    • A problem is decidable if an algorithm can always provide a “yes” or “no” answer for every input.
    • Problems lacking such an algorithm are classified as undecidable.
  3. Undecidable Problems:

    • Problems for which no algorithm can determine a solution for every instance.
    • Examples: Halting Problem, Post Correspondence Problem.
  4. Decidable Problems:

    • Problems that can always be solved algorithmically.
    • Examples: Sorting numbers, determining if a number is prime.
  5. Hierarchy:

    • Decidable problems ⊆ Computable problems ⊆ All problems.



  1. Algorithms as a Basis:
    • Theoretical models like Turing Machines define the boundaries of what is computable.
  2. Total and Partial Computation:
    • Total computation provides results for all inputs; partial computation may fail to halt for some.
  3. Complexity Considerations:
    • Computational complexity measures how efficiently a problem can be solved.


  1. Binary Decision:
    • Decidability problems yield definitive “yes” or “no” answers.
  2. Reductions:
    • Used to show undecidability by reducing a known undecidable problem to another.
  3. Impact on Logic:
    • Key in formal systems, showing limitations of logic and computation (e.g., Gödel’s incompleteness theorem).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  1. Q: What is computability?
    A: Computability refers to whether a problem can be solved using a computational model like a Turing Machine.

  2. Q: What is decidability?
    A: Decidability refers to whether a problem has an algorithm that always provides a “yes” or “no” answer for every input.

  3. Q: What is an example of an undecidable problem?
    A: The Halting Problem, which asks if a given Turing Machine halts for a specific input, is undecidable.

  4. Q: Can all computable problems be decided?
    A: No, not all computable problems are decidable. Some problems may not provide a definitive binary outcome.

  5. Q: What is the difference between computability and decidability?
    A: Computability focuses on whether a problem can be solved algorithmically, while decidability ensures a definite “yes” or “no” outcome for every input.

  6. Q: What role do reductions play in decidability?
    A: Reductions transform one problem into another, allowing us to prove undecidability by linking it to a known undecidable problem.

  7. Q: Are all mathematical problems computable?
    A: No, some mathematical problems, such as the , are undecidable and cannot be solved algorithmically.

  8. Q: Why are computability and decidability important?
    A: They help define the limits of computation, guiding software design, algorithm development, and understanding of theoretical computer science.

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