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Download high-quality and well-structured Bca 1st Semester Notes in pdf format. The notes are in easy language and easy to remember.
Bcanpm is an education platform. It helps Bcanpm students get high-quality free notes to make their study easier. Bcanpm provides full and complete notes for free for each semester of BCA. Here is your Bca 1st Semester Notes.
In this blog post, we offer you a valuable Bca 1st Semester Notes for your studies, available for free in PDF format.
BCA 1st Semester Notes Subject List :

Bca 1st Semester Notes Download
Programming Fundamental using C All UNITS - C1
This subject is designed to impart fundamental knowledge on the C of the Computer.
Unit 1: Introduction to Computer Fundamentals
Unit 2: Introduction to 'C' Language
Unit 3: Arrays and Functions
Unit 4: Pointers Notes
Unit 5: Structure and Union
Computer System Architecture All UNITS - C2
Computer architecture is the arrangement of the components that comprise a computer system and the engine at the core of the processes that drive its functioning.
Unit 1: Introduction to Computer Architecture
Unit 2: Digital logic and Arithmetic
Unit 3: CPU Organization
Unit 4: Memory organization
Unit 5: Data transfer
Language Communication All UNITS - AECC
Language communication refers to the process of exchanging information, ideas, and emotions using language as the primary tool. This can occur through spoken, written, or non-verbal forms of communication, such as body language or sign language.
Unit 1: Introduction of Communication
Unit 2: English Grammar and Usage
Unit 3: Business Communication
Unit 4: Presentation Skills
Unit 5: Reading and Writing Skills
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